Coma Communication
No one deserves to suffer wondering if their loved one is "still in there."
No one should have to spend their days wishing and praying for just one more conversation.
No one should wonder in silence whether they're holding onto false hope while their energy and resources drain with no changes in sight.​
How it Works
Imagine that there are two planes of existence. The physical plane, which we see around us and experience with our 5 senses, and the astral plane. The astral plane is not separate from us, but rather a more subtle plane we can all access to a certain degree depending on our third eye energy center activation. In the astral plane, there is no separation in space. You can instantly connect with any other consciousness, and receive information and sentiments they share through our more subtle clair-senses.
Similar to those who have passed on from their physical body into the astral plane, the consciousness of individuals who are comatose still exist, think, and feel in this parallel plane of existence. We may not see or hear them, but they can see and hear us. They can respond to questions, express fears, and even share insights on the expansive nature of the out-of-body experience.
As a skilled Reiki Master, empath, and psychic medium I deeply feel the emotions, physical sensations, and thoughts of spirits in both the physical and astral planes. While giving healing Reiki to the physical, I can spend time with the spirit in the astral and relay whatever information they want to share.
The Process
First, I connect with the spirit telepathically at a distance, to show the family that what I do is indeed real and that their loved one is still able to connect.
In this initial 30 minute reading, I will share information on any physical sensations I felt as well as the most present thought, feeling, or sensation currently in their energy field.
If the individual gives me a message they want me to relay at any time during our connection, I will also share it.
If for any reason the client doesn't want to move forward with the communication after the initial reading, I will refund the initial session fee.
If the clients would like further communication and healing for their loved one, the next step is a full body scan, either in-person or at a distance. There is no difference in effectiveness between in-person or at-a-distance for the scan, because, again, there is no issue of space or distance in the astral plane.
During this scan, I find emotional, physical, and mental strains, energetic imprints, thoughts and feelings, and blockages disrupting the body's natural ability to heal itself.
After the scan, I use gentle, hands-on Reiki healing (or if virtual -energy waves sent through the astral field) to help move stagnant energy in their body and biofield, and to clear blockages through the vibrational resonance of pure love-light energy.
Because I am directly connected to their mind, body, and spirit, this process yields near-constant information and communication from the patient.
As I facilitate this healing, I share what I see, feel, and hear. This is an interactive experience, where the insights of the family can add context and great depth to the messages. The family can ask questions, share memories, and express what they'd like their loved one to know.
Some patients respond with emotional impressions, some give full sentences, and others play a game of symbols and word associations similar to Charades. Every spirit is different, and their personality really comes out in beautiful ways that make the family feel their presence and warmth again. The families laugh, cry, and share inside jokes; the energetic shift then uplifting the sterile, low vibrational hospital environment that can get so heavy with time into a loving environment for everyone involved to experience healing and togetherness.
Clients can either repeat these sessions as needed, which last between 1-3 hours and are billed at an hourly rate, or they can book virtual daily or as-needed energetic check-ins.
In past experiences with this process, patients have experienced rapid, large improvements in their physical state. One patient went from potentially waking up paralyzed with severe brain damage, to joking and walking again in 2 weeks, after months of unchanged comatose.
However, another patient within 12 hours of the Reiki had passed physical tests that they had never come close to passing before with flying colors, and saw a drastic improvement in vitals for the next 24 hours, but then returned to their previous state and continued to go downhill physically. I share this to say that although Reiki healing is powerful and beautiful, and can have a profound impact on the patient's emotional and spiritual state, we can never know when it is a loved one's time to transition into the next adventure. The most anyone can do is hold space for them to heal themselves and provide an environment together that radiates great comfort, love, and positivity.
For those in hospice care or in physical states that end in the transition out of the human body and into the beyond, this process can lead to profoundly beautiful departing messages of closure, acceptance, unconditional love, and even excitement for the expansion of reality they see beckoning them.
As one of my previous spirit clients described as getting the "sixth golden ticket," the transition process can be a beautiful experience that we get a sneak peek into from the endearing eyes of our loved ones.
Whether hoping for closure or sharing parting words of love and gratitude, longing to know how loved ones are feeling and what they need, or searching for deeper healing and more answers than medical treatment and monitoring alone, you do NOT have to feel hopeless or out of options. Let's work together and see what could happen.